Friday 12 October 2012

Hey little bird

Two months. Well, almost.

Two months (!!) since I last felt I had the time, energy and inclination to sit and write. I have missed this little blog so much. There have been times when I have so wanted to take time out to write, but just felt I didn't have the impetus to do it justice. I'd like to think there might be somebody out there who's missed reading the little magpie too... To all my wonderful regular readers, I am so sorry to have been away for so long, and I promise not to take such an extended leave of absence again. Wedding and work may have taken over my life these past few weeks, but I have now vowed to set aside some time at least once a week to devote to my little online haven.

Coming soon...

On the plus side, not having written for some time means that I have accrued a fair few things to blog about, which I hope you'll enjoy! These include some great recipes (a couple of which were promised a while back), make-up bits, shoes, stationery and interiors. I have also had a few ideas for regular features to run, in addition to my Sunday Smörgåsbords. I do hope you will all drop by from time to time to check out the latest! And please, don't be shy ~ I would love to hear your thoughts via the comments box!

Also, after the big day in December, I cannot wait to share some of my wedding experiences online, including some DIY details for any crafty brides-to-be amongst my readers, and also to sing the praises of a few of our fabulous suppliers.

It's great to be back!

pp x

PS I hope you'll enjoy the following, fabulous cover of Tom Waits' Jockey Full of Bourbon, by Youn Sun Nah. "Hey little bird, fly away home..."